If video content is the future, then the future is right here. That’s right, video content success is hitting at a peak level.

Most businesses are looking to include video content as part of their marketing strategy and most strategists and business leaders use video content to improve their skills and professional abilities.

Many people think that video content is just about promotion, but the effective high-quality video is also about knowledge and experience that you can get for free.

Popular video content that is focused on startups and businesses includes simple explainers, vlogs, video interviews, presentations, product reviews, tutorials, live streams, and so on and so forth.

According to the latest statistics, 86% of videos bring positive results. 93% of one survey’s responders said that video will be a priority in 2019. 

People’s experience, professional views, and wisdom are the most valuable source of knowledge that can be imbibed. This knowledge is gathered in one place named TED. 

What is the power of TED videos?

TED means Technology Entertainment and Design. 

Every year TED holds a conference and different events all over the world that are aimed to gather passionate and often revolutionary speakers. They enthusiastically discuss relevant, situational and evergreen topics and ideas. “Ideas worth spreading” is their motto.

The most admirable thing is that everyone at any time can access this set of wisdom for own inspiration for free.

There are so many great TED videos, but here we brought together just 7 amazing business related TED talks that can help your business to grow and flourish.

5 effective TED talks to inspire your startup

These videos are both funny and informative. They will inspire you to create better and more successful businesses.

“How to Live Before You Die” by Steve Jobs 

Steve Jobs is a legend and his strong and insightful Stanford University commencement speech has become legendary too.

This excellent talk addresses Job’s unique background and the events that led him to start one of the most successful companies in the XXI century.

This video will definitely inspire you to have faith in your path and be a leader, acting individually.


“Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work” by Jason Fried

Jason Fried is the co-founder and president of 37signals (you’ve definitely heard about great collaboration tools like Basecamp, Highrise, Campfire or Writeboard). 

In this video, Fried compares work to sleep that both suffer from interruption. The orator asks “Why do you expect people to work well if they are interrupted all day at their offices”? 

Jason denies technology as the culprit behind productivity lags, deeming social networks the modern day smoke break. Unnecessary interruptions should be cut back and quiet time should be allotted.


“The Happy Secret to Better Work” by Shawn Achor

Shawn Achor is an author and speaker who actively advocates positive psychology. He is the author of “The Happiness Advantage and Big Potential“.

In this talk, he declares that if we study the average, we remain average. The main idea is to study the pursuit of moving the average up.

According to the author, all leaders should change the lenses through which they see the world and change business outcomes. 

This humorous video demonstrates how business leaders can leverage the “happiness advantage,” where creativity and productivity levels thrive.


“How great leaders inspire action” by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is an author of popular books, motivational speaker,  organizational consultant and a famous leadership guru. 

Simon is best known for popularizing the concepts of “the golden circle” and to “Start With Why“. You may find his awesome speeches at large conventions and corporate gatherings around the globe. 

In this video, Sinek repeats that “people do not purchase what you do, they purchase why you do it.” You’ll get bright examples of how successful leaders motivate their employees to work purposefully.

Be sure, if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work hard and effectively – that is what Sinek popularizes.


“Inspiring a life of immersion” by Jacqueline Novogratz

This famous American entrepreneur and author is the founder and CEO of Acumen, a non-profit global venture capital fund. It’s aimed to use entrepreneurial approaches to address global poverty.

In this inspiring talk, Jacqueline Novogratz insists that “extraordinary leaders must dare to live a life of immersion.” 

Powerful leaders take resources and convert them in order to change the world in positive ways. 

According to the author, the most important things that businesses perform and spend time on are often immeasurable. It’s a good idea to take the noble path and to be wary of being manipulated by power.


Do you have your favorite TED talk? Feel free to share it in comments.

Find out more great and powerful talks at TED.com.